Ten Gifts to Stir Your Creative Soul

For some of you, the last two weeks in December multiplies the items on your to-do list and pushes you to pick up the pace. For others, it may be a quieter time. But the shorter days, perhaps a few high expectations, and our cultural magnification on the holidays can make this a challenging time for psychic space to create.So I urge you not to fight against it and instead give yourself a break from making and allow yourself the gift of taking. I'm not talking about things material (not that there's anything wrong with that!) I'm talking about filling your creative well with inspiration, affirmation and perhaps an insight or two. Consider using the next few weeks to take in what others have to say about why creativity is a priority in their lives. Let them give you words that to help you appreciate what you do, creatively speaking.  Make it your end-of-the-year gratitude review.To that end, I have some recommendations. Below are ten books that have provided me with this gift. Books that I go back to from time to time. Writers whose words on the subject of creativity, craft and the writing life ring bells for me and remind me why I spend so much time in its pursuit.Certainly you can get your own thoughts down on the subject  -  it makes a great prompt - but when a writer articulates what you have long felt but never put into words (whether you've tried or not), it can be such a gift.Gifts to stir your soul.Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, Elizabeth Gilbertth-1The Art of Memoir, Mary Karrart-of-memoir-karrStill Writing, Dani ShapiroDani ShapiroBird by Bird, Anne Lamott thThe Story Within: New Insights and Inspiration for Writers, Laura Oliver515dDNjTXuL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_The Situation and the Story, Vivian Gornicksituation-and-the-storyWriting About Your Life, William Zinsser41GRZA0X09L._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldbergwriting-down-the-bonesWriting the Memoir: From Truth to Art, Judith Barrington41rvPoqqdzL._SX320_BO1,204,203,200_Writing as a Way of Healing: How Telling Our Stories Transforms Our Lives, Louise DeSalvo51HV+ckXYdL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_

Photo by Ellen Blum Barish. Copyright 2015.

A Fire Burns in the Ice


Look How You've Grown!